Haiku Challenge

Hi jammers! Do you want to challenge someone to a haiku contest? You came to the right place! Now this page will be updated every month for a new challenge. It's totally going to be awesome, alright? Well lets get started.
                                                   February Challenge:
February's challenge is going to be pretty easy, with a lot of thinking.
                Your task is to make a haiku with a total of 18 syllables. Each line
                will contain 6 syllables! The haiku must be about animal jam, any-
                thing that is related to the topic animal jam is fine. You must pub-
                lish it in the comment section below. Whomever wins the challenge
                will receive a gift, in my den. The contest will be over on February,
                20, 2013
. Have fun jammers and do your best please!


  1. Animal Jam Dream by Friendly3d

    Dreams fly by very fast,
    That you can see the past.
    Animal jam, the best!

  2. Howl on by XDEpicTigerXD

    Howl on is all I've known,
    Dream on is all I've shown.
    AJ is my best show!

  3. A World Called Jamaa by RockyTop2

    Across the river bend,
    Into your open mind,
    Lies a world called Jamaa.

  4. AJ Is very cool! By PikachuswaqXD

    AJ is very cool!
    You can have fun always!
    And hang with your buddies (:
